Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tips for Avoiding Pitching Injury...

Major League Baseball has a list of risk factors and tips for avoiding injury on its Pitch Smart website. The league advises against:

Pitching while fatigued;

Throwing too many innings over the course of the year;

Not taking enough time off from baseball every year;

Pitching on consecutive days;

Excessive throwing when not pitching;

Playing for multiple teams at the same time;

Pitching with injuries to other body regions;

Not following proper strength and conditioning routines;

Not following safe practices while at showcases;

Throwing curveballs and sliders at a young age; and

Radar gun use

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Fish Oil and Osteoarthritis...

 Osteoarthritis (OA) is the leading cause of disability in the United States, affecting more than 50 million people. Current treatments are targeted at reducing symptoms of the inflammatory reaction that occurs after destruction of essential joint cartilage. There are claims that fish oil can prevent or decrease the severity of OA. Lab studies have shown that components of fish oil can reduce proinflammatory mediators and increase joint lubrication in vitro. Also, canine studies have shown clinically significant reductions in various symptom parameters. However, results of human clinical trials have not been consistently significant. Well-designed clinical trials are needed to substantiate or refute the potential benefit of fish oils in OA treatment. Long-term studies are needed to assess the possibility of prevention. In addition, standardization of the fish oil industry is needed for consistency of therapy.

Am J Orthop. 2015;44(7):302-305.