Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pediatric Sports Injuries...

A Comparison of Males Versus Females...

A recent study compared the amount of pediatric sports injuries in males versus females. The findings were interesting...
-female athletes had a higher percentage of overuse injuries (62.5%) compared with traumatic injuries (37.5%); the opposite was seen in male athletes (41.9% vs 58.2%, respectively; P < .001)
-female athletes sustained more injuries to the lower extremity (65.8%) and spine (11.3%) as compared with male athletes (53.7% and 8.2%, respectively)
-the percentage of females with patellofemoral knee pain was approximately 3 times greater than that of males (14.3% vs 4.0%, respectively;P < .001)
-the percentage of males and females who sustained an anterior cruciate ligament injury was almost equal (10.0% and 8.9%, respectively; P= .369)

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